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Jacksonville & St. Augustine Lawyers > Blog > Criminal Defense > What Happens If I Fail to Register as a Sex Offender in Florida?

What Happens If I Fail to Register as a Sex Offender in Florida?

shutterstock_133779713-1The state of Florida has strict registration requirements for people who have been convicted of sex crimes.

Under Florida Statute 943.0435, sex offenders and sexual predators must comply with the following reporting guidelines:

  • Report in person to the sheriff’s office to register within 48 hours of being released from prison.
  • Report in person to the sheriff’s office to register within 48 hours of moving to a new temporary or permanent residence.
  • Register at the local driver license office of the DHSMV within 48 hours of registering with the local sheriff’s office.

Sex offenders and sexual predators must also reregister with the sheriff’s office several times a year:

  • Sex Offenders: Twice a year
  • Sexual Predators: Four times a year
  • Specified Sexual Offenders: Four times a year
  • Juvenile Sexual Offenders: Four times a year

If the sex offender or sexual predator has a transient residence, they must reregister every 30 days.

What Is Considered Failure to Register as a Sex Offender?

According to Florida Statute 943.0435(2), a sexual offender or predator who knowingly decides not to comply with the state’s registration requirements can be charged with failure to register as a sex offender.

What Are the Penalties for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender?

Failing to register as a sex offender in the state of Florida is a third degree felony that is punishable by up to:

  • Five years in prison
  • Five years of probation
  • $5,000 fine

Judges in Florida are required to sentence a person convicted of failure to register as a sexual offender to a minimum sentence of 21 months in prison.

Sex Crimes Attorneys in St. Augustine

If you have been accused or convicted of a sex crime in Florida, you should immediately get in touch with our lawyers at the Albaugh Law Firm to discuss your legal options. We are committed to defending the rights of clients throughout the state, and we are prepared to get to work for you.

Call 904-471-3434 to request your free consultation with one of our criminal defense lawyers in St. Augustine.

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