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Jacksonville & St. Augustine Lawyers > St. Augustine Family Lawyer > St. Augustine Military Divorce Lawyer

St. Augustine Military Divorce Lawyer

Overview of Military Divorce

Are you currently looking for a skilled attorney to handle your military divorce? Due to the fact that military divorces present unique situations and predicaments that are not relevant to a civilian divorce, it’s vital that your St. Augustine divorce attorney be highly familiar with military divorce proceedings.

At the Albaugh Law Firm, we are not only well-versed and experienced in handling military divorce proceedings, but our legal team has over 70 years of collective experience in the field of family law. Attorney Cheryl A. McCray is a former family law magistrate (a judicial hearing officer who hears family law cases), and she has completed 40 hours of mediation training, which gives her extensive insight into the mediation process. If you are a member of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, the National Guard, or the Coast Guard and facing divorce, our St. Augustine military divorce lawyers stand ready to offer you outstanding legal representation throughout your divorce proceedings.

Protecting Your Rights in a Military Divorce

While divorce occurs in approximately 50% of civilian marriages, the divorce rate in the military is even higher due to the strain placed on couples from being apart for extended periods of time. For military couples, divorce can be an especially complicated, confusing and stressful time.

Although many of the procedures of a military divorce are similar to civilian divorces, there are unique legal issues which may apply because one or both spouses are in the military. These special issues usually include determining child custody, calculating spousal and child support, and determining if any post-divorce benefits apply.

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act protects service members’ legal rights when they are called to active duty. The Act applies to active-duty members of the regular armed forces and the National Guard when serving active duty under federal orders. Essentially, in regards to divorce proceedings, service members may obtain a “stay” or postponement on their civil court or administrative proceedings if military service prevents them from asserting or protecting a legal right such as an ongoing or upcoming deployment.

Contact a St. Augustine Divorce Attorney

At the Albaugh Law Firm, we represent service members stationed at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Naval Station Mayport, Blount Island Command, and Camp Blanding in their family law and divorce proceedings. If you are getting a divorce, we urge you to contact us to arrange a free consultation with a St. Augustine military divorce lawyer from our firm.

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